
1件目から30件目を表示 | 次の30件 > |
言葉 | 大儀 |
読み | おおぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 堅気 |
読み | かたぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)worthy of being depended on
(3)worthy of being depended on; "a dependable worker"; "an honest working stiff"; "a reliable sourcSFLe of information"; "he was true to his word"; "I would be true for there are those who trust me"
言葉 | 逆 |
読み | ぎゃく |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(5)being in such a position that top and bottom are reversed
言葉 | 豪儀 |
読み | ごうぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope
(3)of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope; "an expansive lifestyle"; "in the grand manner"; "collecting on a grand scale"; "heroic undertakings"
言葉 | 過ぎた |
読み | すぎた |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 次- |
読み | つぎ- |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)immediately following in time or order; "the following day"; "next in line"; "the next president"; "the next item on the list"
言葉 | 適宜 |
読み | てきぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)meant or adapted for an occasion or use; "a tractor suitable (or fit) for heavy duty"; "not an appropriate (or fit) time for flippancy"
言葉 | 不思議 |
読み | ふしぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 便宜 |
読み | べんぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(5)suited to your comfort or purpose or needs; "a convenient excuse for not going"
言葉 | 無意義 |
読み | むいぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)having no meaning or direction or purpose
(4)not worthy of notice
(5)having no meaning or direction or purpose; "a meaningless endeavor"; "a meaningless life"; "a verbose but meaningless explanation"
言葉 | 律儀 |
読み | りちぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)steadfast in affection or allegiance
(4)worthy of being depended on; "a dependable worker"; "an honest working stiff"; "a reliable sourcSFLe of information"; "he was true to his word"; "I would be true for there are those who trust me"
言葉 | 律義 |
読み | りちぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)steadfast in affection or allegiance
(4)worthy of being depended on; "a dependable worker"; "an honest working stiff"; "a reliable sourcSFLe of information"; "he was true to his word"; "I would be true for there are those who trust me"
言葉 | いんぎん |
読み | いんぎん |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)having a sophisticated charm
(3)having a sophisticated charm; "a debonair gentleman"
言葉 | 慇懃 |
読み | いんぎん |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 苛虐 |
読み | かぎゃく |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)having or showing no mercy; "the merciless enemy"; "a merciless critic"; "gave him a merciless beating"
(4)(of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering; "a barbarous crime"; "brutal beatings"; "cruel tortures"; "Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks"; "a savage slap"; "vicious kicks"
言葉 | 切れぎれ |
読み | きれぎれ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)stopping and starting at irregular intervals; "intermittent rain showers"
言葉 | 切れ切れ |
読み | きれぎれ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)having the unity destroyed
(5)having been divided; having the unity destroyed; "Congress...gave the impression of...a confusing sum of disconnected local forces"-Samuel Lubell; "a league of disunited nations"- E.B.White; "a fragmented coalition"; "a split group"

言葉 | 義強 |
読み | ぎきょう |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield
言葉 | ぎざぎざ |
読み | ぎざぎざ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)having a sharply uneven surface or outline; "the jagged outline of the crags"; "scraggy cliffs"
(4)having an irregular outline; "text set with ragged right margins"; "herded the class into a ragged line"
言葉 | ぎちぎち |
読み | ぎちぎち |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)filled to capacity; "a suitcase jammed with dirty clothes"; "stands jam-packed with fans"; "a packed theater"
言葉 | 義務的 |
読み | ぎむてき |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(5)morally or legally constraining or binding
言葉 | 小ぎれい |
読み | こぎれい |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 小奇麗 |
読み | こぎれい |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 小綺麗 |
読み | こぎれい |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 全麦 |
読み | ぜんむぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 多義的 |
読み | たぎてき |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 忠義 |
読み | ちゅうぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)steadfast in affection or allegiance; "years of faithful service"; "faithful employees"; "we do not doubt that England has a faithful patriot in the Lord Chancellor"

言葉 | どぎつい |
読み | どぎつい |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 二義的 |
読み | にぎてき |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)not direct or immediate
(5)being of second rank or importance or value
言葉 | 賑やか |
読み | にぎやか |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
1件目から30件目を表示 | 次の30件 > |