
31件目から60件目を表示 | < 前の30件 | | | 次の30件 > |
言葉 | ゲル |
読み | げる |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)a colloid in a more solid form than a sol
(5)functions as legal tender
言葉 | ゲレ |
読み | げれ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(1)フランス中西部、リムーザン地域圏(Region Limousin)北東部のクルーズ県(Departement Creuze)中北部にある県都。
1990(平成 2)1万4,706人。
言葉 | げろ |
読み | げろ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 下呂 |
読み | げろ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ | 駅 |
言葉 | ゲン |
読み | げん |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)(genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain; it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns between the exons; it is considered a unit of heredity; "genes were formerly called factors"
言葉 | 弦 |
読み | げん |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(5)a collection of objects threaded on a single strand
言葉 | 減 |
読み | げん |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)a change downward
(4)a change downward; "there was a decrease in his temperature as the fever subsided"; "there was a sharp drop-off in sales"
(5)gradual decline in amount or activity
言葉 | 源 |
読み | げん |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 現 |
読み | げん |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(5)a relaxed comfortable feeling
言葉 | 絃 |
読み | げん |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)a musical instrument in which taut strings provide the source of sound
(5)a tightly stretched cord of wire or gut, which makes sound when plucked, struck, or bowed
言葉 | 言 |
読み | げん |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(5)(language) communication by word of mouth; "his speech was garbled"; "he uttered harsh language"; "he recorded the spoken language of the streets"
言葉 | 験 |
読み | げん |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)a marvellous event manifesting a supernatural act of a divine agent
(5)a symbol of disgrace or infamy
言葉 | G |
読み | げー |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | サゲ |
読み | さげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 菅 |
読み | すげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)イネ目(Poales)カヤツリグサ科(Cyperaceae)スゲ属(Ca-rex)の草本の総称。 「すが(菅)」とも呼ぶ。
言葉 | チゲ |
読み | ちげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | ツゲ |
読み | つげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |

言葉 | 柘植 |
読み | つげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ | 駅 |
言葉 | 黄楊 |
読み | つげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)evergreen shrubs or small trees
(5)used in delicate woodwork: musical instruments and inlays and engraving blocks
言葉 | とげ |
読み | とげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)a small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf
(4)any sharply pointed projection
言葉 | トゲ |
読み | とげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 刺 |
読み | とげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 棘 |
読み | とげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(5)a dense growth of bushes
言葉 | 投げ |
読み | なげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)the act of throwing (propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist)
(4)the act of throwing (propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist); "the catcher made a good throw to second base"
言葉 | 逃 |
読み | にげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)the act of escaping physically
(3)the act of escaping physically; "he made his escape from the mental hospital"; "the canary escaped from its cage"; "his flight was an indication of his guilt"
言葉 | 逃げ |
読み | にげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)a rapid escape (as by criminals)
(5)a rapid escape (as by criminals); "the thieves made a clean getaway"; "after the expose he had to take it on the lam"
言葉 | 野毛 |
読み | のげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |

言葉 | 半家 |
読み | はげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ | 駅 |
言葉 | 破夏 |
読み | はげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | ひげ |
読み | ひげ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)an unshaved growth of hair on the upper lip
(4)an unshaved growth of hair on the upper lip; "he looked younger after he shaved off his mustache"
(5)the hair growing on the lower part of a man's face
31件目から60件目を表示 | < 前の30件 | | | 次の30件 > |