"築"で終わる言葉の一覧を表示しています。1件目から24件目を表示 |
言葉 | 修築 |
読み | しゅうちく |
品詞 | 動詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken; "She repaired her TV set"; "Repair my shoes please"
言葉 | 再築 |
読み | さいちく |
品詞 | 動詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 建築 |
読み | けんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 建築 |
読み | けんちく |
品詞 | 動詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)make by combining materials and parts; "this little pig made his house out of straw"; "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer"
(5)construct, build, or erect; "Raise a barn"
言葉 | 改築 |
読み | かいちく |
品詞 | 動詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)make different
(5)cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
言葉 | 新築 |
読み | しんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)the act of constructing something; "during the construction we had to take a detour"; "his hobby was the building of boats"
言葉 | 杵築 |
読み | きつき |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ | 駅 |
言葉 | 板築 |
読み | はんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)土壁や土壇の築造法の一種。 板で枠(ワク)を作ってその中に乾いた土を盛り、丸太(マルタ)や石に棒を付けた杵(キネ)で突(ツ)き固め、さらに土を重ねて盛り、突き固めることを繰り返していく方法。
言葉 | 構築 |
読み | こうちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)the act of constructing something; "during the construction we had to take a detour"; "his hobby was the building of boats"
(5)the act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery)
言葉 | 構築 |
読み | こうちく |
品詞 | 動詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)make by combining materials and parts; "this little pig made his house out of straw"; "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer"
(5)found or ground; "build a defense on nothing but the accused person's reputation"
言葉 | 版築 |
読み | はんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 再構築 |
読み | さいこうちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 再構築 |
読み | さいこうちく |
品詞 | 動詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)construct or form anew or provide with a new structure; "After his accident, he had to restructure his life"; "The governing board was reconstituted"
(4)build again; "The house was rebuild after it was hit by a bomb"
言葉 | 大建築 |
読み | だいけんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place
(3)a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; "there was a three-story building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice"
言葉 | 脱構築 |
読み | だつこうちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)a philosophical theory of criticism (usually of literature or film) that seeks to expose deep-seated contradictions in a work by delving below its surface meaning
言葉 | 城郭建築 |
読み | じょうかくけんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ | 建物 |
(2)a large building formerly occupied by a ruler and fortified against attack
言葉 | 看板建築 |
読み | かんばんけんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 細胞構築 |
読み | さいぼうこうちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 高層建築 |
読み | こうそうけんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | ローマ建築 |
読み | ろーまけんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | ゴシック建築 |
読み | ごしっくけんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)characterized by slender vertical piers and counterbalancing buttresses and by vaulting and pointed arches
(4)a style of architecture developed in northern France that spread throughout Europe between the 12th and 16th centuries; characterized by slender vertical piers and counterbalancing buttresses and by vaulting and pointed arches
言葉 | ビザンチン建築 |
読み | びざんちんけんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)the style of architecture developed in the Byzantine Empire developed after the 5th century; massive domes with square bases and round arches and spires and much use of mosaics
言葉 | ロマネスク建築 |
読み | ろまねすくけんちく |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)a style of architecture developed in Italy and western Europe between the Roman and the Gothic styles after 1000 AD; characterized by round arches and vaults and by the substitution of piers for columns and profuse ornament and arcades
1件目から24件目を表示 |