"ちゅ"から始まる言葉の一覧を表示しています。 検索結果が多い場合は文字数で絞ることが可能です。 文字数は検索結果となる文字の文字数のボタンを押してください。1件目から30件目を表示 | 次の30件 > |
言葉 | ちゅう |
読み | ちゅう |
品詞 | 動詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.
(3)touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.; "The newly married couple kissed"; "She kissed her grandfather on the forehead when she entered the room"
言葉 | 忠 |
読み | ちゅう |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action
(3)the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action; "his long commitment to public service"; "they felt no loyalty to a losing team"
言葉 | 注 |
読み | ちゅう |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)a comment or instruction (usually added)
(4)a comment or instruction (usually added); "his notes were appended at the end of the article"; "he added a short notation to the address on the envelope"
(5)an explanation or definition of an obscure word in a text
言葉 | 註 |
読み | ちゅう |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)a comment or instruction (usually added)
(4)a comment or instruction (usually added); "his notes were appended at the end of the article"; "he added a short notation to the address on the envelope"
(5)a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material
言葉 | 鈕 |
読み | ちゅう |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | チュバ |
読み | ちゅば |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 中医 |
読み | ちゅうい |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 中尉 |
読み | ちゅうい |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marines ranking above a 2nd lieutenant and below a captain
(5)an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or United States Coast Guard
言葉 | 注意 |
読み | ちゅうい |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 注意 |
読み | ちゅうい |
品詞 | 動詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 中有 |
読み | ちゅうう |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 中夏 |
読み | ちゅうか |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 仲夏 |
読み | ちゅうか |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 中期 |
読み | ちゅうき |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 中気 |
読み | ちゅうき |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 中黄 |
読み | ちゅうき |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 注記 |
読み | ちゅうき |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)a comment or instruction (usually added)
(4)a comment or instruction (usually added); "his notes were appended at the end of the article"; "he added a short notation to the address on the envelope"
(5)a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material

言葉 | 註記 |
読み | ちゅうき |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)a comment or instruction (usually added)
(4)a comment or instruction (usually added); "his notes were appended at the end of the article"; "he added a short notation to the address on the envelope"
(5)a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material
言葉 | 忠義 |
読み | ちゅうぎ |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)inspired by love for your country
(5)steadfast in affection or allegiance
言葉 | 忠義 |
読み | ちゅうぎ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 中佐 |
読み | ちゅうさ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain
(4)a commissioned officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines holding a rank above major and below colonel
言葉 | 中止 |
読み | ちゅうし |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 中止 |
読み | ちゅうし |
品詞 | 動詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 注視 |
読み | ちゅうし |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 注視 |
読み | ちゅうし |
品詞 | 動詞 |
カテゴリ |
(3)follow with the eyes or the mind
(4)follow with the eyes or the mind; "Keep an eye on the baby, please!"; "The world is watching Sarajevo"; "She followed the men with the binoculars"
(5)look at with fixed eyes
言葉 | 中耳 |
読み | ちゅうじ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(4)between the eardrum and the inner ear
(5)the main cavity of the ear
言葉 | 仲尼 |
読み | ちゅうじ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |

言葉 | 中ソ |
読み | ちゅうそ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
言葉 | 注疏 |
読み | ちゅうそ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material
(3)a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material; "he wrote an extended comment on the proposal"
言葉 | 註疏 |
読み | ちゅうそ |
品詞 | 名詞 |
カテゴリ |
(2)a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material
(3)a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material; "he wrote an extended comment on the proposal"
1件目から30件目を表示 | 次の30件 > |