
「hop」に関係する名詞の一覧を表示しています。 検索結果が多い場合は文字数で絞ることが可能です。
1件目から30件目を表示次の30件 >

(1)ecumenical_council | 詳しく調べる

意味(early Christian church) one of seven gatherings of bishops from around the known world under the presidency of the Pope to regulate matters of faith and morals and discipline; "the first seven councils through 787 are considered to be ecumenical councils by both the Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox church but the next fourteen councils are considered ecumenical only by the Roman Catholic church"


(1)jude | 詳しく調べる

(2)judas | 詳しく調べる

(3)st._jude | 詳しく調べる

(4)thaddaeus | 詳しく調べる

(5)saint_jude | 詳しく調べる

意味(New Testament) supposed brother of St. James; one of the Apostles who is invoked in prayer when a situation seems hopeless


(1)weber's_law | 詳しく調べる

意味(psychophysics) the concept that a just-noticeable difference in a stimulus is proportional to the magnitude of the original stimulus; "Weber's law explains why you don't notice your headlights are on in the daytime"


(1)stevens'_law | 詳しく調べる

(2)stevens'_power_law | 詳しく調べる

意味(psychophysics) the concept that the magnitude of a subjective sensation increases proportional to a power of the stimulus intensity


(1)weber-fechner_law | 詳しく調べる

意味(psychophysics) the concept that the magnitude of a subjective sensation increases proportional to the logarithm of the stimulus intensity; based on early work by E. H. Weber


(1)just-noticeable_difference | 詳しく調べる

意味(psychophysics) the difference between two stimuli that (under properly controlled experimental conditions) is detected as often as it is undetected


(1)st._john_chrysostom | 詳しく調べる

意味(Roman Catholic Church) a Church Father who was a great preacher and bishop of Constantinople; a saint and Doctor of the Church (347-407)


(1)becket | 詳しく調べる

(2)thomas_a_becket | 詳しく調べる

(3)st._thomas_a_becket | 詳しく調べる

(4)saint_thomas_a_becket | 詳しく調べる

意味(Roman Catholic Church) archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170; murdered following his opposition to Henry II's attempts to control the clergy (1118-1170)


(1)augustine | 詳しく調べる

(2)st._augustine | 詳しく調べる

(3)saint_augustine | 詳しく調べる

(4)augustine_of_hippo | 詳しく調べる

意味(Roman Catholic Church) one of the great Fathers of the early Christian church; after a dramatic conversion to Christianity he became bishop of Hippo Regius in North Africa; St. Augustine emphasized man's need for grace (354-430)


(1)st._ambrose | 詳しく調べる

(2)saint_ambrose | 詳しく調べる

意味(Roman Catholic Church) Roman priest who became bishop of Milan; the first Church Father born and raised in the Christian faith; composer of hymns; imposed orthodoxy on the early Christian church and built up its secular power; a saint and Doctor of the Church (340?-397)


(1)basil | 詳しく調べる

(2)st._basil | 詳しく調べる

(3)basil_the_great | 詳しく調べる

(4)basil_of_caesarea | 詳しく調べる

(5)st._basil_the_great | 詳しく調べる

意味(Roman Catholic Church) the bishop of Caesarea who defended the Roman Catholic Church against the heresies of the 4th century; a saint and Doctor of the Church (329-379)


(1)technical_analysis_of_stock_trends | 詳しく調べる

意味(stock exchange) analysis of past price changes in the hope of forecasting future price changes


(1)holy_order | 詳しく調べる

意味(usually plural) the status or rank or office of a Christian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy; "theologians still disagree over whether `bishop' should or should not be a separate Order"


(1)shopping_bag | 詳しく調べる

意味a bag made of plastic or strong paper (often with handles); used to transport goods after shopping


(1)shop_bell | 詳しく調べる

意味a bell attached to the door of a small shop


(1)diocesan | 詳しく調べる

意味a bishop having jurisdiction over a diocese


(1)st._nicholas | 詳しく調べる

(2)saint_nicholas | 詳しく調べる

意味a bishop in Asia Minor who is associated with Santa Claus (4th century)


(1)exarch | 詳しく調べる

意味a bishop in one of several Eastern Orthodox Churches in North America


(1)eparch | 詳しく調べる

意味a bishop or metropolitan in charge of an eparchy in the Eastern Church


(1)bookbindery | 詳しく調べる

意味a bookbinder's workshop


(1)oast_house | 詳しく調べる

意味a building containing an oast (a kiln for drying hops)


(1)register | 詳しく調べる

(2)cash_register | 詳しく調べる

意味a cashbox with an adding machine to register transactions; used in shops to add up the bill


(1)snake_dance | 詳しく調べる

意味a ceremonial dance (as by the Hopi) in which snakes are handled or invoked


(1)ulfila | 詳しく調べる

(2)ulfilas | 詳しく調べる

(3)wulfila | 詳しく調べる

(4)bishop_ulfila | 詳しく調べる

(5)bishop_ulfilas | 詳しく調べる

(6)bishop_wulfila | 詳しく調べる

意味a Christian believed to be of Cappadocian descent who became bishop of the Visigoths in 341 and translated the Bible from Greek into Gothic


(1)ulfilas | 詳しく調べる

(2)wulfila | 詳しく調べる

(3)bishop_ulfila | 詳しく調べる

(4)bishop_ulfilas | 詳しく調べる

(5)bishop_wulfila | 詳しく調べる

意味a Christian believed to be of Cappadocian descent who became bishop of the Visigoths in 341 and translated the Bible from Greek into Gothic; traditionally held to have invented the Gothic alphabet (311-382)


(1)st._john_chrysostom | 詳しく調べる

意味a Church Father who was a great preacher and bishop of Constantinople


(1)smithereens | 詳しく調べる

意味a collection of small fragments considered as a whole; "Berlin was bombed to smithereens"; "his hopes were dashed to smithereens"; "I wanted to smash him to smithereens"; "the toilet bowl ws blown to smithereens"


(1)shopaholic | 詳しく調べる

意味a compulsive shopper


(1)complex | 詳しく調べる

(2)composite | 詳しく調べる

意味a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts; "the complex of shopping malls, houses, and roads created a new town"


(1)candy_store | 詳しく調べる

(2)confectionary | 詳しく調べる

(3)confectionery | 詳しく調べる

意味a confectioner's shop


(1)cartel | 詳しく調べる

(2)combine | 詳しく調べる

(3)corporate_trust | 詳しく調べる

意味a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service; "they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly"


(1)shop | 詳しく調べる

(2)shop_class | 詳しく調べる

意味a course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity); "I built a birdhouse in shop"


(1)sophism | 詳しく調べる

意味a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone

1件目から30件目を表示次の30件 >