読み | あたたか |
ローマ字 | atataka |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(1)showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity; "was charitable in his opinions of others"; "kindly criticism"; "a kindly act"; "sympathetic words"; "a large-hearted mentor"
(3)agreeable, conducive to comfort; "a dry climate kind to asthmatics"; "the genial sunshine";"hot summer pavements are anything but kind to the feet"
(5)(color) inducing the impression of warmth; used especially of reds and oranges and yellows; "warm reds and yellows and orange"
(8)given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality; "a tender heart"; "a tender smile"; "tender loving care"; "tender memories"; "a tender mother"
(10)having or displaying warmth or affection; "affectionate children"; "a fond embrace"; "fond of his nephew"; "a tender glance"; "a warm embrace"
(12)diffusing warmth and friendliness; "an affable smile"; "an amiable gathering"; "cordial relations"; "a cordial greeting"; "a genial host"
(14)expressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings; disposed toward; "sympathetic to the students' cause"; "a sympathetic observer"; "a sympathetic gesture"
(17)psychologically warm; friendly and responsive; "a warm greeting"; "a warm personality"; "warm support"
(20)having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior; "kind to sick patients"; "a kind master"; "kind words showing understanding and sympathy"; "thanked her for her kind letter"
(23)having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat; "a warm body"; "a warm room"; "a warm climate"; "a warm coat"
(1)a warm body
(3)a warm room
(5)a warm climate
(7)a warm coat
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暖かという言葉は日常的に使う漢字を使っている言葉です。一番難しい漢字でも「暖」で、小学校5年生で習う常用漢字になります。 ※苗字に使われている漢字の難易度(修学年)をもとに判定しています。 |
書きやすさ | ![]() |
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比較的画数が少なく書きやすい言葉です。 ※苗字に使われている漢字の画数の多さにより判定しています。 |
読み易さ | ![]() |
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暖かの読み方毎に難易度を判定しています。 暖かは"あたたか"と読みます。 普通の読み方でないものがあるため、わからない人もいるかもしれません。もしかするとパソコンでも変換されないかもしれません。 ※使われている漢字とその読みが一般的かどうかで判定しています。 |


