読み | てきとう |
ローマ字 | tekitou |
品詞 | 形容詞 |
カテゴリ |
(1)in conformance with justice or law or morality; "do the right thing and confess"
(3)socially right or correct; "it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye"; "correct behavior"
(5)suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc; "a book not appropriate for children"; "a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity"; "it seems that an apology is appropriate"
(7)being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme; "moderate prices"; "a moderate income"; "a moderate fine"; "moderate demands"; "a moderate estimate"; "a moderate eater"; "moderate success"; "a kitchen of moderate size"; "the X-ray showed moderate enlargement of the heart"
(10)sufficient for the purpose; "an adequate income"; "the food was adequate"; "a decent wage"; "enough food"; "food enough"
(12)most suitable or right for a particular purpose; "a good time to plant tomatoes"; "the right time to act"; "the time is ripe for great sociological changes"
(14)having the requisite qualities for; "equal to the task"; "the work isn't up to the standard I require"
(16)marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness; "proper medical treatment"; "proper manners"
(18)being precisely fitting and right; "it is only meet that she should be seated first"
(20)well expressed and to the point; "a happy turn of phrase"; "a few well-chosen words"
(22)suitable and fitting; "the tailored clothes were harmonious with her military bearing"
(24)being of striking appropriateness and pertinence; "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images"; "an apt reply"
(26)having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task; "she had adequate training"; "her training was adequate"; "she was adequate to the job"; "he was equal to the task"
(28)not extreme; "a moderate penalty"; "temperate in his response to criticism"
(29)qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen; "eligible to run for office"; "eligible for retirement benefits"; "an eligible bachelor"
(31)correct in opinion or judgment; "time proved him right"
(33)appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs; "everything in its proper place"; "the right man for the job"; "she is not suitable for the position"
(35)meeting adequate standards for a purpose; "a fit subject for discussion"; "it is fit and proper that you be there"; "water fit to drink"; "fit for duty"; "do as you see fit to"
(37)meant or adapted for an occasion or use; "a tractor suitable (or fit) for heavy duty"; "not an appropriate (or fit) time for flippancy"
(39)feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm; "a halfhearted effort"; "gave only lukewarm support to the candidate"
字の分かりやすさ | 6 | |
適当という言葉は日頃から使う漢字しか使われていない言葉です。一番難しい漢字でも「適」で、小学校4年生で習う常用漢字になります。 ※苗字に使われている漢字の難易度(修学年)をもとに判定しています。 |
書きやすさ | 4 | |
それほど画数が多くなく比較的書きやすい言葉です。 ※苗字に使われている漢字の画数の多さにより判定しています。 |
読み易さ | 4 | |
適当の読み方毎に難易度を判定しています。 適当は"てきとう"と読みます。 普通の読み方でないため、わからない人もいるでしょう。もしかするとパソコンでも変換されないかもしれません。 ※使われている漢字とその読みが一般的かどうかで判定しています。 |