

(1)acceptance as satisfactory; "he bought it on approval"


(3)the verbal act of agreeing


(5)approval; "give her recognition for trying"; "he was given credit for his work"; "give her credit for trying"


(7)a message expressing a favorable opinion; "words of approval seldom passed his lips"


(9)a statement acknowledging something or someone; "she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment"; "the preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her"


(11)official approval


(13)the formal act of approving; "he gave the project his blessing"; "his decision merited the approval of any sensible person"


(15)an acceptance (as of a claim) as true and valid; "the recognition of the Rio Grande as a boundary between Mexico and the United States"


(17)a document giving an official instruction or command


(19)the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged; "the partners were delighted with the recognition of their work"; "she seems to avoid much in the way of recognition or acknowledgement of feminist work prior to her own"


(21)formal and explicit approval; "a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement"


(23)permission to do something; "he indicated his consent"


(25)the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations


(27)the explicit and formal acknowledgement of a government or of the national independence of a country; "territorial disputes were resolved in Guatemala's recognition of Belize in 1991"


(29)an acknowledgment of the truth of something


