

(1)undergo passive experience of:"We felt the effects of inflation"; "her fingers felt their way through the string quartet"; "she felt his contempt of her"


(3)produce a certain impression; "It feels nice to be home again"


(5)perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles; "He felt the wind"; "She felt an object brushing her arm"; "He felt his flesh crawl"; "She felt the heat when she got out of the car"


(7)undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind; "She felt resentful"; "He felt regret"


(9)commit to memory; learn by heart; "Have you memorized your lines for the play yet?"



(12)be conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state; "My cold is gone--I feel fine today"; "She felt tired after the long hike"; "She felt sad after her loss"


(14)show appreciation to; "He remembered her in his will"


(16)exercise, or have the power of, memory; "After the shelling, many people lost the ability to remember"; "some remember better than others"


(18)keep in mind for attention or consideration; "Remember the Alamo"; "Remember to call your mother every day!"; "Think of the starving children in India!"


(20)come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds; "I feel that he doesn't like me"; "I find him to be obnoxious"; "I found the movie rather entertaining"




