

(1)erosion by friction


(3)sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation


(5)an incompatibility of dates or events; "he noticed a conflict in the dates of the two meetings"


(7)soreness and warmth caused by friction; "he had a nasty chafe on his knee"


(9)a state of opposition between persons or ideas or interests; "his conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post"; "a conflict of loyalties"


(11)the resistance encountered when one body is moved in contact with another


(13)the act of rubbing together; wearing something down by friction



(16)an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals); "the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph"--Thomas Paine; "police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs"


(18)a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters


(20)effort expended in moving one object over another with pressure


(22)a state of conflict between persons


(24)lack of agreement or harmony


(26)a wearing down to weaken or destroy; "a war of attrition"


(28)the act of rubbing down, usually for relaxation or medicinal purposes


(30)the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice


